Special Clusters
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Minimum Order OF COMBINED ITEMS IS:   $100.00 

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Items 1-60    Items 61-120    Items 121-180

Super great golden healer

with DT on top

6" x 3.5"

Item# SC-61


3" x 5"

Fantastic Display of Nature

Item# SC-62


2.75" x 4.25"

Square back, no matrix

Super water clear

Absolute perfect condition

Item# SC-63


Large DT on top, beautiful cluster,

Super clear and shiny

Item# SC-64


4" x 5"

Super thin w/lots of DTs

Super Shiny

Item# SC-65


5" x 4"

Long clear shiny points

DT lays right in middle

Item# SC-66


5.5" x 5"

Nice cluster, good points

Item# SC-67


6.5" x 5.5"

Wonderful Display Piece

Item# SC-68


7" x 4.5"

Starburst of clear points

Item# SC-69


10" x 9"

Long, thin, clear points

going in every direction

Item# SC-70


7" x 5.5"

Long, clear shiny points

Nice Cluster

Item# SC-71


6" x 4"

Item# SC-72


5.5" x 5"

Points, DTs in all direction

Great condition, super clean

clear and shiny

Item# SC-73


7.5" x 5"

Super, super fantastic

golden healer/honey quartz


Item# SC-74


5.5" x 3"

Item# SC-75


7.5" x 5"

Clear and Shiny

100s of needle points

Item# SC-76


3.5" x 10"

What a Burr!!

Extra nice

Item# SC-77


6.5" x 3"

Strange shape, has been 

naturally broke and naturally


Item# SC-78


5.25" x 4.5"

Look at that great double

terminated tabbie, on this great


Item# SC-79


2.25" x 5.5" x 4.25"

Super nice burr

extras on both sides

Item# SC-80


5.5" x 4"

Re-healed tabby



3" x 3.5"

Super clear, rehealed

Sits 2 ways w/double terminates

Item# SC-82


7.5" x 4"

Item# SC-83


5.5" x 6"

Super collector piece

Super shiny and clear

Item# SC-84


7" x 7.5"

Super collector piece w/long clear shiny points

Item# SC-85


8.75" x 8.5"

Wonderful collector piece

Sharp and clear

Item# SC-86


3.5" x 3"

Great DTs and naturally re-healed

Item# SC-87


2.25" x 5"

Extra nice small cluster

Item# SC-88


3" x 5.5"

Golden Healer/honey quartz tips

Good Piece

Item# SC-89


6.5" x 5.5"

Great display piece

Item# SC-90


5" x 5"

Great Collector Piece

Super shiny

Item# SC-91


3" x 5.5"

Beautiful points

re-healed base

Item# SC-92


4" x 2.75"

Super perfect piece

Better than photo

Item# SC-93


4"x 1.25"

Long thin DT, split tabby shard

Item# SC-94


6" x 4.5"

Clear & Shiny w/ Adularia

Item# SC-95


7.5" x 7" x 5"

Clear points everywhere

Super Nice

Item# SC-96


6" x 6"

DTs on DTs

standing on DTs!!!!

Item# SC-97


4.5" x 3"

Super clear and shiny

Item# SC-98


2.5" x 3"

Extra nice piece w/major

visible striation lines

Free Standing

Item# SC-99


3" x 3"

All DT cluster 

clear and shiny

Item# SC-100


4" x 2.25"

Long, clear shiny points

free standing

Item# SC-101


5" x 5" x 2.75"

Beautiful hand-sized cluster

Great Condition



6.5" x 5"

Shiny & clear, almost perfect,

good collector

Item# SC-103


6.5" x 4.5"

Many, many thin water clear pts

Item# SC-104


6.5" x 6"

Great Show Piece

Item# SC-105


3.5" x 7.5"

Great Display Piece

Item# SC-106


4" x 8"

Super starburst cluster

timelines, collector....

Item# SC-107


5.7 lbs

9" x 8.25" x 4.25"

Long, shiny clear points

Square Back

Great Piece

Item# SC-108


4.5" x 2.5"

Item# SC-109


6.5" x 7"

Water clear, top to bottom

no matrix, super shiny

Item# SC-110


4.5" x 2"

Super nice specimen all perfect


Item# SC-111


6" x 5.5" x 3.5"

Shiny cluster, good show piece

Item# SC-112


3.25" x 9"

1 extra nice cabinet cluster ***

Item# SC-113


5" x 7"

Great Clear Display Piece

Item# SC-114


8" x 6.5"

Super Tabby DT w/main point

coming up out of top

Item# SC-115


6" x 10"

Super long clear perfect points**

Item# SC-116


6" x 4.5"

Lots of clear shiny points

Good condition

Item# SC-117


6.5" x 3.5"

Picture speaks for itself

Item# SC-118


2.5" x 5.25"

Great stack of DTs

Item# SC-119


6" x 10.5"

Super starburst cluster

Item# SC-120


Items 1-60    Items 61-120    Items 121-180