Special Clusters
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Minimum Order OF COMBINED ITEMS IS: $100.00 

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Items 1-60    Items 61-120    Items 121-180

7.,5" x 4.5"

Good piece, very light

and Clear, Clear!

Item# SC-121


4" x 3"

Item# SC-122


7" x 5" x 5"

Large point in great condition, super

Item# SC-123


9" x 12"

Large Display, points everywhere

Item# SC-124


4" x 4"

Super Water Clear

Super Fantastic Show Piece

Item# SC-125


3" x 6.5"

Super nice, super shiny

w/dts, square back

Item# SC-126


4" x 2.5"

Item# SC-127


3" x 6"

Clear shiny points

loads of DTs

Item# SC-128


7" x 4"

Super Clear shiny point w/

lots of hitchhikers

Item# SC-129


5.5" x 4.5"

Great wedge point over 5" long

also DT/ET 

good and clean

perfect piece

Item# SC-130


7" x 5"

Burr, clear & shiny points

going everywhere

Item# SC-131


4" x 4"

Super nice cluster

Item# SC-132


9" x 8" x 4.75"

Super Great Cluster

Nice for Collectors

Item# SC-133


5" x 6.5"

Good 2-tier burr

Item# SC-134


3.5" x 2"

Item# SC-135



3" x 2.5"

Item# SC-136


5.5" x 7"

Super Clear & Shiny

Nice for any collector

Item# SC-137


3.75" x 2.25"

Item# SC-138


7.5" x 6"

Nice Cabinet Specimen

Item# SC-139


7" x 9"

Great cabinet specimen

lots of DTs

Item# SC-140


10.5" x 8"

nice cluster



4.5" x 2.75"

Great piece with long, clear, thin points

Item# SC-142


5" x 9"

Great cabinet specimen

lots of DTs ****

Item# SC-143


4" x 6"

Super nice cluster

great shape

Item# SC-144


7.5" x 5"

a CAVE cluster w/dt & shiny points

Item# SC-145


4.75" x 6"

Really nice cluster

100s of DTs

Item# SC-146


6" x 4"

Good hand size cluster

Item# SC-147


3.5" x 4.5" x 3"

Perfect condition

Item# SC-148


4.25" x 6.5"

Super great burr

nice DTs

Item# SC-149


3" x 3.25"

Nice cluster

Item# SC-150


6.5" x 6"

Item# SC-151


5" x 9"

Beautiful display cluster

great DT****

Has raised record keeper

Item# SC-152


8" x 5"

Extra long point

100s of hitchhikers (barnacle)

Item# SC-153


7.5" x 5.5"

Really nice cluster

Item# SC-154


3.5" x 5"

Natural long double termintates

growing up - Special

Item# SC-155


5" x 4"

Really nice show piece

Item# SC-156


7.5" x 6"

Ice Cluster w/really long main point

Item# SC-157


6" x 6"

No matrix, thin base

Hundreds of water clear points

plus one Japanese twin

near back of cluster

Item# SC-158


13.5" x 9"

Collector Piece w/lots &lots of points

Item# SC-159


6" x 9.5" x 7" tall


Nice Burr, Clear, Shiny

DT w/nice cave

Item# SC-160


7" x 6" x 7"

Great DT w/ lots of DT Flowers

Item# SC-161


8.75" x 5"

Fantastic pieces, picture not

capturing true essence,

super clear and super shiny



7" x 3"

Nice, Shiny Display Piece

Item# SC-163


9" x 7.5"

Item# SC-164


5" x 4"

Collector piece, no matrix 

all waterclear, long slender pts

Item# SC-165


7" x 4.75"

Super Fantastic Show Piece

Clear Points

Item# SC-166


4.25" x 2.25"

Cluster of DTs

Better than photo

Item# SC-167


3.5" x 2.5"

Major DT w/2 Cross DTs, Super Clean

Speaks for itself

Item# SC-168


3.25" x 8.5"

Extra good cluster

long, clear and super shiny

Item# SC-169


3.5" x 10"

Super nice cluster, good shape

Item# SC-170


3" x 6"

Good cluster, clear and shiny

Item# SC-171


10" x 6"

Super condition, better than

picture.  Lots of shiny

clear points

Item# SC-172


4" x 3"

Perfect & Natural

Item# SC-173


9" x 5"

Super Shiney With

 Lots of Points

Item# SC-174


4" x 2.5"

Item# SC-175


4" x 2.5"

Major Show Piece

Item# SC-176


6.25" x 5"

Super Nice

Item# SC-177


6.5" x 4"

 Clear and shiney

Free Standing 2 Ways

Clear Points

Item# SC-178


3.25" x 4.5"

Extra nice burr w/super DT

Item# SC-179


3" x 5"

Super display piece

Item# SC-180


Items 1-60    Items 61-120    Items 121-180